====== About me ====== This page is about me. I am Filip Černoch, born 22. December 2005 in Prague. I live in a small town in Bavaria, Germany. I understand German, English, most of Czech and some Latin, but I can write only English and German properly, unlike Latin or Czech, where I have to look up words regularly to communicate without major obstacles. If you write an E-Mail, the most convenient option for me would be if you write it in English or German. Most of the day I do programming (C99, Python3, shell scripting) various projects, which I will all eventually give up on, as I did with all the stuff I did before, but I try do to better and actually finish a project in 7 years of programming. Besides programming, I like to read and edit Wikis, learn Japanese (I'm stuck with learning Kana for now, but I don't do it very regularly, thus not having much progress) and sometimes I read books on programming, rarely also manga or fiction, but not nearly as much as I'd like to do so. As of recently I also started playing Chess. I support freedom of expression, free as in freedom software, free as in freedom culture, decentralization and Unix philosophy. Also I dislike copyright law and intellectual property. Other than than that I do not have any strong opinions. Chances are you are reading this and you knew me at some point in time, either in real life or on the internet. Chances are also I have upset you, made a bad decision, which then impaired you in some sense or anything of that kind. While I want to leave the past behind, I have no problems resolving any conflict with you, if we had any to begin with. As of writing I have nobody who dislikes me, but this is simply due to the fact that I know literally nobody. In any case, you can contact me if you have something of value to say. See the mainpage for that.