====== OnSuspend.net ====== === Exercises in futility ~ === Hereby I welcome you to the current iteration of this website. New content gets added irregularly and much of the old stuff is gone for good, however you can use the RSS feed for getting updates. I hope you enjoy your stay. You can find the RSS-Feed at [[http://onsuspend.net/feed.php]]. ===== Content ====== * [[linklist|List of worthwhile links]] * [[todo_list_website|To-do list for this site]] * [[digital_privacy|On digital privacy]] (WIP) * [[list_useful_shell_aliases|List of useful shell aliases and CLI tools]] * [[semmelschmarrn|Semmelschmarrn]] * [[memes|Making a case against memes]] (WIP) * [[egg_soup|Egg Soup]] (WIP) * [[list_http_daemons|List of lesser known HTTP daemons]] * [[forum_review|Side notes regarding some forums]] * [[propaganda_avoidance|The only winning move is not to play]] * [[walk|Talking the talk, walking the walk]] * [[proverbs|List of proverbs]] * [[return_lizard_human|The return of the lizard human]] * [[book_remarks|Side notes regarding some books]] * [[webassembly|On the dangers of WebAssembly]] * [[neetware|NEETware]] * [[dream_diary|My dream diary]] * [[me|About me]] ===== Other places ===== * [[https://github.com/onsuspend/]] I removed the code repositories, because I more or less lost access to them. Either I will get those passwords back somehow or I will self-host a Gitea/Gogs instance on this website, probably the latter, since I had that planned for longer already, but never got around to it. inb4 my code was completely worthless anyway (which is true). I got the passwords through sheer luck back, so you can continue to look at my non-functional 100 LoC programming projects. * [[https://myanimelist.net/profile/onsuspend]] I don't watch much Anime these days and as evident from my MAL, I did not do so in the past either very much, but at some point (for a few months maybe) I watched a little of anime every day to a point, where it become part of my daily routine, so that's how this account came to be. * [[https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benutzer:Onsuspend]] Here is my Wikipedia. I don't write there much, as I would much rather make my own little encyclopedia, but this is more of a pipe dream, so for the time being I am there, ===== Contact Information ===== For contact, message me over this e-mail here. It's encoded as base64 as an anti-spam measure. Decode it with your tool of choice. b25zdXNwZW5kQHBvc3Rlby5kZQo= ===== Lainring ===== Coming soon ===== The library ===== Once I get new hardware, here will be an archive of Wikis, blogs and websites, which were released under a free license (CC-BY-SA, CC-BY, CC0/public domain, GFDL, ...). This might also include Videos and music. Note that I am not trying to make this the next Wayback machine, but rather a mirror of free as in freedom content, that I like and find worthy of archiving. I also don't plan on being reliable in that regard, so don't expect for this to work, when you need it to. ==== Books ==== [[faif|Free as in freedom 2.0]] (WIP) ===== Webbuttons ===== ---- [[https://www.eff.org/pages/blue-ribbon-campaign|{{:brstrip.gif|}}]] [[https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/deed.en|{{:cc-zero.png?100|}}]] [[https://kernel.org/|{{:gnulinux.gif|}}]] {{:written-by-human-not-by-ai-badge-black.png|}} [[https://www.debian.org/|{{:debian.png|}}]]