====== Talking the talk, walking the walk ====== It absolutely beyond me how many artists, creators and programmers create things, which seem to be themed around being "//against the system//", "//mainstream society//" or anything of that kind really, but then still obsess over copyright and intellectual property, as if it wasn't a symptom of the very thing they dislike so much. In this article I don't want to reiterate what is wrong with copyright law, since I just assume if you are reading this, you are already enlightened, rather than focusing on this particular phenomenon. Why is it that way? One explanation would be that they are part of some kind of organization or music label, that manages the distribution of their creation for them, but this is not really the case for most of them, as most of those are independent and merely post their stuff online without any other people involved. And even if this were the case, the question still stands. For example a music label, which publishes anarchist music of any kind, why would those people insist on using the copyright system for them? You would think those people are knowledgeable enough about publishing music AND about copyright, that they would not do so, but it seems to be the case for the vast majority of them. In the case of the independent creator, this does not apply really. My other guess would that since the vast majority of so-called "platforms" default to making your works copyrighted, so most artist just publish their work without caring about this issue and then don't bother with it anymore. This is probably where you can observe a divide between the artists, who actually don't bother further, and such who exploit the current state of the law, to censor redistribution and remixing of their work. I think in the end it just boils down to actually not being as non-conformist as they like to think of themselves, or they just do not bother with copyright in first place, but then also don't care for reuploads, remixing and pirating. While this article was fairly insipid in itself, and more of a rant than anything else, I hope it's still readable. More so, I want to suggest to everyone reading this to make their creative works public domain (with a public domain waiver such as CC0).