
NEETware is a term, that has been stuck in my mind, since I read it, which was probably on /g/. Either way, I want to put a more positive spin on this word, that is mainly used as a derogatory term, if used at all. What most people using this term mean, is software that in it's nature is designed for NEETs and/or made by NEETs. By NEETs for NEETs, so to say. This implies sub par quality in way, but I think NEETware is a good thing. In a sense NEETware is software made by people, who don't have to limit themselves in how useful, profitable or popular their software is, but what interests them the most. The term itself shouldn't be taken too literally, but instead just meant as “Software made for by people, who have as much time and creativity on their hands as a NEET”. Furthermore, many NEETwares, don\'t have to be done by NEETs, but merely in the spirit of a NEET.

Software, that I personally, categorize as NEETware, is such:

A lot of this software has the spirit of people just doing what interests them primarily, rather than limiting factors usually introduced by work, money, social life and more,