I hope making my plans for this site public helps me getting the stuff done. Also I want to be as transparent as possible.
Make the webbuttons their own thing, as in them being links, not just images in the media gallery. Done
Finish at least some WIP articles before starting the new ones. (IMPOSSIBLE) (HARDCORE CHALLENGE 2025)
Remove the dependency on Javascript and make the site less bloated, or worst case switch away from Dokuwiki to something else. Dokuwiki is just a very convenient way of having such a website (having a built-in RSS-feed, not having to rsync the files to the server, …), but I am not sure how well I can maintain the website with my little PHP knowledge and additionally how I can minimize the bloat, as they say.
Add works to the library.
Maybe compose a nice piece of music and make it play upon opening the start page.
Mirror my Github on a Gogs/Gitea instance here.
Fixing grammatical and spelling mistakes in my longer texts.
Replace the dark gray background with a pretty graphic, that repeats itself over and over again (because it looks good and doesn't require any screen resolution or anything)
I think that's enough of work for the foreseeable future. If (You) know anything about this site, which I could improve, please let me know at my E-mail or whatever other means of communication I have, while you read this (see the homepage).