My dream diary
This dream was grim and utterly colorless, akin to watching a monochrome film. There were two major parts, the part, where I was outside with a car, and the one where I was walking on my own. I don't remember the part with car part anymore, except for some still memories, however the other was a bit more detailed. In the car part I was on a remote road and walked stressed around my car, which halted at the right lane with it's winker illuminating the immediate surroundings a steady tact.
In the other part, I was outside a big apartment building and on crossroad connecting to a street with no end in sight. On said road, I would look at the second apartment build in a line of many others. Looking up I saw the uppermost window and tried looking into it, but got distracted by the night sky. It seemed to me I was on a mission to get an old computer. Weirdly enough the dream was very specific about certain hardware, like the computer having 4GB of RAM and a Core 2 Duo CPU.
Inside the building an old man rambled about how I will never be able to get that computer, because I don't have the required skills. His face was full of wrinkles, but not because of his age, but the stress, that everybody could feel, that he was having. Furthermore, he had on his right eye a red iris just shining through the overall darkness of the night. Getting closer to my face, which in turn made me take a step back, he complained about my lack of experience. It felt like listening the ramblings of an insane person.
I went to a room, which was barely accessibly, due to the last door in the uppermost floor being piled up with squalor. I finally got the computer, which I wanted in the room with the first door on the left and eventually woke up in panic after I heard a loud scream.