List of proverbs
- It is better to dip your fingers in the coffee than to try to drink the stones. ~ Go proverb
- The sooner you start programming, the longer it will take. ~ Programming proverb
- Morgen, morgen, nur nicht heute, sagen all die faulen Leute ~ Tommorrow, tommorrow, just not today is what all the lazy people say ~ German proverb
- Struggle is the birthplace of creativity. ~ I don't know where this one is from. Something something computers.
- Weiß beginnt, Schwarz gewinnt. ~ White starts the game, black wins. ~ German Chess proverb
- Kleine Sünden bestraft der liebe Herrgott gleich. ~ Minor sins are punished by our benevolent Lord right away. ~ Catholic proverb
- The past is a different country. ~ Supposedly an American saying
- Youth is wasted on the young ~
proverbs.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/19 22:58 by onsuspend